Dichiarazione congiunta delle campagne europeeIn vista dell'Ecofin di domani 7 novembre, più di 1000 organizzazioni della società civile di 11 Paesi europei e rappresentative di oltre 50 milioni di cittadini europei, denunciano lo stallo negoziale ed il rischio di annacquamento da parte di Francia, Italia e Spagna di un accordo per l'introduzione della TTF europea.
European Civil Society Statement in advance of ECOFIN on 7 November
Testo e firme: scarica qui
European civil society, including trade unions, deplore the lack of progress made by the 11 Member States negotiating the Financial Transactions Tax (FTT). It is unacceptable for the Ministers of Finance of France, Italy and Spain to consider watering down proposals under pressure from the financial sector in defiance of public opinion[1]. We strongly urge Ministers Sapin, Padoan and de Guindos to include the taxation of the broadest possible class of derivatives and High Frequency Trading activity. Most speculative transactions can be captured: the issue is not technical feasibility[2], but political will. At a time when European citizens are making sacrifices under austerity and inequalities are on the rise worldwide, none of the 11 Member States can afford to forego revenue of more than 30 billion euros[3] and miss the opportunity to regulate finance. The financial sector is under-taxed - it can afford to be taxed more to repay the costs of public bailouts and the on-going costs of the recession it caused. Therefore we call on the 11 Member States pursing an FTT agreement under the Enhanced Cooperation Procedure to conclude an ambitious tax in national and international solidarity.
Civil society networks / coalitions and trade union federations in support of this statement:
European FTT Coalitions
1. Austria: On behalf ofa broad coalition of 159 civil society organisations: Heinz Hödl – Director, KOO-Coordination Office of the Austrian Bishop’s Conference for Development and Mission Annelies Vilim– Director, Global Responsibility, Austrian Platform for Development and Humanitarian Aid Alexandra Strickner –Chairperson, ATTAC Austria Martin Schenk – Austrian Network against Poverty and Social Exclusion Alexander Egit – Director, Greenpeace CEE
2. Belgium:On behalf ofa broad coalition of 150 civil society organisations and over 25,000 volunteers: Arnaud Zacharie – General Secretary, CNCD-11.11.11 Stefaan Declercq – Director, Oxfam Belgium Eric Goeman – Spokesperson, Attac Flanders / Coordination Financial Action Network Bogdan Vanden Berghe – Director, 11.11.11
3. Denmark:On behalf ofthe Danish Robin Hood Coalition of 14 civil society organisations: Lars Koch – Director of Policy and Campaigns, IBIS Ole Klammer – Spokesperson, Attac Denmark
4. Finland: On behalf of aPlatform of 318 development NGOs: Timo Lappalainen – Executive Director, KEPA (the national platform for Finnish development NGOs)
5. France: NGOs and citizens supporting the French Robin Hood Tax Campaign, including: Stéphane Calmont, Vice-President, AIDES Hakima Himmich, President, Coalition PLUS Thomas Coutrot - Spokesperson, Attac France Patrick Bertrand - Executive Director, Global Health Advocates Guy Flury - Member of the board, Collectif Roosevelt
6. Germany: On behalf of the‘Steuer gegen Armut’campaign, a coalition of 98 civil society organisations: Detlev v. Larcher – Spokesperson, Steuer gegen Armut / Steering Committee, Attac Germany
7. Italy: On behalf of ZeroZeroCinque, a coalition of 57 Italian civil society organisations: Leonardo Becchetti – Spokesperson, ZeroZeroCinque Campaign
8. Ireland: On behalf of the Claiming our Future FTT campaign, supported by 25 civil society organisations: Niall Crowley – Convener, Claiming our Future
9. Portugal: On behalf of the Portuguese Platform of 65 Development NGOs: Pedro Krupenski – President,Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD
10. Spain: On behalf ofLa Plataforma ITF ¡YA!, Paraísos fiscales ¡NO! supported by 14 CSOs andLa Alianza Española por la Tasa Robin Hood, supported by 11 CSOs: Ricardo García Zaldívar – President, Attac España Vanessa López – Executive Director, Salud por Derecho
11. UK: On behalf oftheRobin Hood Tax campaign, a coalition of 115 UK organisations: David Hillman – Director, Stamp Out Poverty / Robin Hood Tax Steering Group
CSO Networks / Organisations
1. Action For Global Health (AfGH) - representing14 NGOs from the health community, and national AfGH platforms based in 6 European countries and in Brussels Tim Roosen, Coordinator
2. ActionAid International– a federation that spans 45 countries
Adriano Campolina, Chief Executive
3. Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe - representing130 member organisations Wendel Trio, Director
4. CIDSE – representing17 Catholic Development organisationsin Europe and North America Bernd Nilles, Secretary-General
5. European Anti-Poverty Network – representing31 networksof voluntary organisations and grassroots groups Barbara Helferrich, Director
6. Friends of the Earth Europe (FOEE) – representing more than 30 national organisations Magda Stoczkiewicz, Director
7. Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP)Europe – representing more than 1000 organisations Ingo Ritz, Director of Programmes
8. International HIV/AIDs Alliance –an alliance of 40 independent civil society organisations Anton Ofield-Kerr, Head of Policy
9. Oxfam International– a confederation of 17 organisations working together in more than 90 countries
Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director
10. Stop AIDS Alliance– a joint initiative by STOP AIDS NOW! and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance Arben Fetai, Senior EU Policy Advisor
Trade Union Federations
European Federations:
1. European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)– representing more than 60 million members of 88 national trade union confederations in 37 countries Bernadette Segol, General Secretary
2. European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) – representing 8 Million workers from 265 trade unions Jan Willem Goudriaan, General Secretary
French Federations:
3. Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail (CFDT) – representing 15 federations Laurent Berger, General Secretary
4.L'Union Nationale des Syndicats Autonomes (UNSA) Luc Bérille, General Secretary
Italian Federations:
5. Confederazione Italiana Sindacati dei Lavoratori (CISL) Annamaria Furlan, General Secretary
6. Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro (CGIL) – representing over 5 million members in 12 federations Susanna Camusso, General Secretary
7. Unione Italiana del Lavoro (UIL) – representing over 2 million members Luigi Angeletti, General Secretary
Spanish Federations:
8.Unión Sindical Obrera (USO) Javier de Vicente, Secretario de Acción Internacional
9. Trade Union Confederation of Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) – representing 1 million members Ignacio F. Toxo, General Secretary
Austrian Federations:
10. AK Europa
11. ÖGB Europabüro (Austrian Trade Union Federation)
Slovenian Federation:
12. Education, Science and Culture Trade Union of Slovenia (ESTUS) Branimir Strukelj, General Secretary
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